
FLORIDA -CGC1513228  CCC1329123
LOUISIANA- CL-71017  RL-886867  MR-250833


FLORIDA -CGC1513228  CCC1329123
RL-886867 MR-250833

AAA+ Rated

Hurricane After Hurricane - MBC Capital Is Remediation Ready For You!

Hurricanes are powerful and destructive natural disasters that can cause significant damage to the Fort Myers and Cape Coral, Florida Areas.  As they develop from tropical storms into full-categorized hurricanes, it is crucial to be well-prepared for these storms and know what measures to take before and after their occurrence. In this response, we will provide information on how to prepare for a hurricane and what to do in the aftermath.

Preparation for a Hurricane

Stay informed

Monitor local news and follow updates from the National Hurricane Center or other relevant authorities to stay informed about the storm’s progress, potential evacuation orders, and safety guidelines.

Build an emergency kit

Create a well-stocked emergency kit with essential items such as non-perishable food, water, medications, a first aid kit, flashlights, batteries, a portable phone charger, cash, important documents, and a battery-powered radio.

Secure your property

Trim trees and shrubs near your home, clear gutters and drains, and secure loose outdoor items that could become projectiles in high winds. Consider installing hurricane shutters or plywood over windows and reinforcing garage doors.

Prepare for power outages

Have a backup power source like a generator or battery-powered inverters. Keep extra fuel for generators stored safely.

Create an evacuation plan

Plan in advance for different scenarios and know the evacuation routes in your area. Identify a safe meeting point for family members if you get separated during the evacuation.

Protect important documents

Keep important documents like IDs, passports, insurance policies, and birth certificates in a waterproof and portable container, ready to take with you in case of evacuation.

Review insurance coverage

Ensure your property, both home, and contents, are adequately insured against hurricane damage. Understand your policy coverage and file important documents with your insurance company.

Actions after a Hurricane

Stay informed

Continuously listen to news updates and follow instructions from local authorities regarding safety precautions, road conditions, evacuation orders, and access to essential services.

Ensure personal safety

Be cautious of hazards like downed power lines, flooded areas, weakened structures, or displaced wildlife. Keep children and pets away from these dangers.

Assess property damage

Once it is safe to do so, thoroughly inspect your property for damage. Take photographs or videos of the damage as evidence for insurance claims.

Report damage: Contact your insurance company or agent to report any damage and initiate the claims process. Provide them with the necessary documentation, including photos, videos, and inventory lists of damaged or lost items.

Mitigate further damage

Take immediate action to prevent further damage, such as covering broken windows or leaks to prevent water damage. Make temporary repairs only if it is safe to do so.

Document expenses

Keep careful records of all expenses related to storm damage, temporary repairs, and any additional living expenses incurred during displacement for insurance claim purposes.

Take care of your well-being with MBC Capital

Coping with a hurricane’s aftermath can be emotionally and physically challenging. Reach out for support if needed, and prioritize self-care and the well-being of your family members.

Especially after Hurricane Ian, the residents in the Fort Myers and Cape Coral area are on guard.  Remember, each hurricane scenario can be unique, and it is important to follow guidance and instructions from local authorities and disaster recovery companies. MBC Capital is one of the most trusted names in this industry. Our remediation experts are available to provide storm damage services to property owners affected by Hurricane Ian in Ft. Myers, Venice, North Port, Englewood, Pt Charlotte, Naples, and Estero. We are highly skilled professionals with over 20 years of expertise in providing a multitude of services related to storm damage restoration.

Our services include a full range of home reinforcement and repair solutions. We use only the highest-quality materials and techniques to ensure that your home is protected from rain and wind damage. Contact us today at 813-477-2725 to schedule a consultation with one of our storm damage specialists.

By being prepared and taking appropriate actions, individuals and communities can help minimize the impact of hurricanes and safely navigate their aftermath.